Thursday, February 10, 2011

My Catch-22

My husband and I are DEFINITELY stuck in a catch-22.... or maybe I'm just stuck. All the money I work hard to make to keep my tiny, pet-less family alive (the two of us) always leaves me without food for a brief moment during the month, or desperate for gas. So I've started picking up some freelance work (here comes my work-o-holic brain!). I am addicted to being busy, so now I have 4 different freelance projects I'm working on at the moment, about to get a new one too.

So hopefully soon I will be making some extra money on the side ..... oh no wait, a lot of these things I'm doing right now are favors. .... wait... 3 of the 4 I'm working on right now are favors. shit. so I won't be making any money, but at least I'm staying busy!

I have other interests than working myself to death. I want to learn to weave. that's right. on a floor loom. with peddles and things. BUT. I don't have an extra $1000 laying around so I can fund my start-up project. Because you and I both know I have so much more time to take on another large project. Well maybe I can work on some surface design, aka screen printing.... or not. Because I have no materials. I have no space. I have nothing to even get me going.

My mom told me when I was young that my work needs to pay for itself. But how are you supposed to start getting money when you have no money to invest in the start-up? So now the two projects I'm longing for, I cannot complete.

No money for start-up, no work to create. No work to make money, no start-up money. Drats. I will have to find myself something else to get addicted to.

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